How to choose economic work shoes?

I have been working long hours and my shoes bite, there are times I discovered effective ways to avoid it, even carried two pair of shoes to work but that didn’t help. Eventually with experience I learnt it is not about the feet not the shoes, its everything to do with match the right shoe with the purpose. That’s when I started exploring more and more reasons and experimenting with and finally reached an understanding that shoes are not to be just chosen based on one single factor of looks or affordability there is more to it. The purpose of footwear If I say you must know the purpose of wearing shoes, then first thing that would strike your mind is safety and comfort. Yes, it’s true but have you ever thought beyond that, like, where you are going to wear them? Or what do you want the shoes do for you apart from feet safety and allowing you to walk comfortably? If you have not, start thinking, as it was the case with me too for several years, now I feel good to have started that t...